Millionaires Are Eligible
Everyone is eligible for government money programs. I continue to use these programs for myself and my entire family. The rich and famous use these programs for their success. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, H. Ross Perot, Federal Express, and Nike shoes have all used these programs. These programs are for everyone who lives in this great democracy. You just have to know where to go to take advantage of them
From Matthew Lesko:
$100,000 to write for the government on you kitchen table
$50,000 from publishers to write a novel or non-fiction
$10,000 to write books for kids
$12,000 to study your saxophone, dance or poetry
$5,000 to produce your own CD
$125,000 To Start A Non-Profit
$50,000 to open a teen center
$100,000 for programs to help seniors
$250,000 to develop housing for people with disabilities
$25,000 to help kids learn
Free help to set up a non-profit and apply for grants
$150,000 to open a bed and breakfast
$30,000 to go to school in Hawaii
$43,000 to become a French chef
$100,000 to open a restaurant
$150,000 to open a medical practice
$35,000 to become a grizzly bear tagger
$70,000 to study arts management
$50,000 to edit science magazines at home
$2,000 to study storytelling
$20,000 to produce TV shows for kids
$12,000 to attend a cowboy festival in Australia
$5,000 to start a street hockey distributorship
$75,000 to renovate an old house
$100,000 to start a day care center
$5,000 grant to train your employees
$22,000 of free training as a high school dropout
$5,000 if you hire an ex-aerospace worker
$150,000 business grant to start a coffee shop
$30,000 to start a craft business in your home
$2,000,000 grant or loan to be a real estate housing expert
$65,000 to open a hair salon
$50,000 to export cowboy boots to France
$10,000 to become a skate board distributor
$200,000 for your landscaping business
$300,000 to sell art to the government
$100,000 to be a freelancer working at home
$80,000 to Get The Education For Your Dream Job
$30,000 to become a French chef
$45,000 plus $1,200 per month to become a health professional
$15,000 to finish your degree at age 40
$25,000 to get a masters in counseling
$20,000 to finish your accounting degree
350 colleges to attend for free if you’re 55+
$10,000 To Train For A Promotion Or A Better Job
$8,000 to update your computer skills in 3 months
$5,000 to learn customer service skills
$15,000 to become a massage therapist
$5,000 for your new employer to hire you
$20/hr part time work while going to school
$10,000 for doctors to learn a new procedure
$12,000 to become a computer network engineer
$7,000 to learn to repair violins
$250,000 to Work On Your Invention
$150,000 to develop a measuring device for children
$75,000 to discover a way to eliminate rodents
$200,000 to improve the efficiency of automobiles
$60,000 to discover new uses for old tires
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